Brambles Pre School Homepage
Brambles Pre School Homepage
Early Years Foundation Stage
Every child is supported to reach their full potential and will receive this from the setting staff and SENCo.

There are four guiding themes in the EYFS that we follow:

• A Unique Child -Recognising that every child is
   a competent learner from birth who can be
   resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.

• Positive Relationships - Children learn to be
   strong and independent from a base of
   loving and secure relationships with parents
   and /or family groups.
• Enabling Environments - The environment
   plays a key role in supporting and extending  
   children’s development and learning.

• Learning and Development - Children develop
   and learn in different ways and at different
   rates and all areas of learning and
   development are equally important and

EYFS Parents Guide
We are Ofsted registered and our most recent report can be found here:

Recent Ofsted Report >
Hindon 2530783
Figheldean 2530782

Piccadilly gate
Store street
M1 2WD
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Yoga and mindfulness
Brambles is a busy bustling setting. We find both children and staff benefit from practicing mindfulness techniques, bringing a deeper sense of awareness and helping children to unwind.

Our staff have trained in yoga specifically for children and incorporate this into our daily routine just before lunch.
Family Groups
When children start with us at Brambles, they join one of our family groups. Our family groups are Squirrels, Foxes and Owls. They have a named person who will work with the family and child, creating a relationship which allows the child to feel safe and secure.

Our family group is an extension of this and gives all children a sense of belonging with continuity of familiar staff who know the children well.

Our online Journal and communication system, ‘Famly’ allows parents and carers to develop great links with their family group.Our system is secure and provides parents with a messaging option. Parents can fully participate in their child's journey throughout their time with us.
Each child will be a focus child in their family each half term. They get a whole week dedicated to them where they share their news, interests and their favourite things in our Hedgehog bags from home. Mums, dads, grandparents and brothers and sisters can share information and photos on our Famly app all about special moments that have happened in your family in those few weeks.
We then use all of this fantastic information to help us with our in the moment planning, where the children take the lead and we scaffold their learning filling in the gaps in their knowledge with our talented and caring staff. This goes into a paper journal, a lovely keepsake you get to keep after your child has moved on to school. .

About Brambles Outdoor Nursery Group